Monday, July 27, 2009

Debi Up-date

I finally get to see a "Pain Managment Specialist" on July 31st. I am so looking forward to it. It has been 10yrs now with my RA and Fibro and I am finally in need of pain meds just for days I need to live a regular life where I can't rest if needed. You know, like a full Nana's day, or helping a friend set up for her daughter's Wedding Reception, etc.

Let's see, then I get to go in for my Early On-Set Dementia/Alzhimers testing in San Francisco on Aug, 13th. This will be a dig relief no matter what the results are. It's easier dealing with something when you know for sure what it is!!

And it's highly possible that I could be having a double masectomy with in a month or two. Not sad about that either. Will be relived to get it over so I can stop all the fretting.

Even with all things hitting my family I am at peace. God is in control.

Love Ya all.

Baby Momma

Jess im her last month. Dr's think she will go pre-term. I just love her baby bump. She is so beautiful as all pregnant women are.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Luke I am your Mother

When you click on the photo you can read the journaling. I am unable to copy it from the specific program it's in.

Unkey Monkey

Zack Has Always been know by his Nieces and Nephews as Unckey Monkey. One day Jess was taking Pics of Zack and he started playing around, The photos were perfect when I found a Digital Kit called "Bananas." So perfect for the photos!!

Need photo updates

Boy, I need to update my family photos for the slide presentation. The kids are growing up fast.

Time Passes so quickly

Hey Family and Friends,

I didn't realize how fast time passes..:))

Do a little family update. Jerry is still fighting Comp, but has been approved to see a Nurological Surgon in Fremont. She is exceptional. Hopefully he will have surgery within the next 1-2 months and be able to walk without falling or with a cane then.

Jason and Beth are having some problems that they need prayer for. The 3 older kids are doing okay, but the baby, Abigale has been diagnosed with Ceribal Palsy and waiting to see a nurologist to get confirmation and possible the extent of it.

Jess is in her last month. Possible to go pre-term. Baby Zoie is due Aug 4th, but they don't expect her to make it past the middle of August. Other wise Jess is as miserable as any pregnant women in the triple didgits.

Me doin just dandy as candy. My new Gold Canyon Candle Business is doing good. I have a hugh party on the 1st in Sonora of possibly 50 people. OOHHH. Scared LOL I have 4 ladies signed up under me so I am offically a GOLD Demonstrator which means I can now run my own fundraisers. Which is so awesome. I look forward to helping kids earn mega amounts of money for sports, cheerleading, camp, all kinds of projects, competitions. I am excites. We have the most awesome fundraising program available anywhere. I can even do individual fundraisers. It's awesome.

Chow for now....Hugs,

Monday, May 25, 2009

Weight Loss

YEAH!!! It's offical. I have now lost a total of 48lbs. It feels good. Still much more to go, but going strong and steady. Okay strong, slow and steady. I have been at it for 11 months and held at 45lbs a couple of months. I didn't even put on any weight through Thanksgiving nor Christmas..I lost. I was astonished the way I craved and went after hot chocolate with whipping cream for a month. hehe So on goes the decent..............................

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Time Goes By

Wow, I can't believe how fast time passes. I didn't realize my last post was so long ago. I spent this evening moving all of my digital layouts from another Blog Site. I also need to update the photos on my...UGH...Scrolling thing...I hate this Alzheimers Convention..LOL...

Let's see, All's good with the kids and g-babies. Except for Abigale. she is having asthma problems, but seems to be doing better with this new medication.

I have started doing a little better since I went back on my injections of Metheltrexate a week ago. Took me 3 weeks to get brave enough to use it again after the Pharmacist gave me expired meds. I have an appointment in San Fransisco to be seen at the Memory Clinic for a Okay my mind took leave again, but it's a specialist and they put you through tests, like verbal and visual, etc. and look through the brain scans.

Now for my main squeeze....No squeezn` there he hurts way to much. It's been a year and a half and comp is still denying him treatment and meds. We finally had to get an Attorney. The Dr. took him off work, comp forced him back and his employer took away his superviser position, cut his pay by $8 an hr and cut his hrs down to 4hrs a day. Now take that slap in the face for someone you have given 110% for for over 7yrs. Enough bad news.

I can't wait for Zoie to get here. I am so excited. And then I know Jess will also start feeling so much better. And over all God has been good to us. We have a roof over our head Still? and food to eat? We don't have our wishes, but our needs are fulfilled. And I am thankful.. My back is getting pretty tired so i have to end this post. Have an awesome night.

Easter Dirty

This is my only grandson, Skyler, who has a blast with the chocolate. I'm not to sure his mommy will every get him clean. It's going to be a big job.....

Gabbi Girl

Here is the final layout week 4 of Gabbi Girl. I love it all except for the 2 ribbons coming out of the of the top picture on the left. Week 3 added a different direction in color and layout, but I couldn't change my ribbon. Hope you like it.

Easter 09

This was a fun little sketch Challenge with "Pencil Line Scketches." Three of my 6 little grand children. Haley 8, Claire 6, Skyler 2, respectively. We had an awesome time. After Church we went to Jason's house had lunch, hunted for eggs took pictures...ETC. There will be some Easter play layouts following.....

Spring Time Rains

This is actually a Journaling challenge about my favorite kind of weather.

Journaling reads:

My favorite weather of the year are the Spring Time Rains. I absolutely love the rain. I feel a sense of peace. I find myself more of a home body. It's the only time of the year I find myself baking bread, cuddling by a fire to read or just watching the flames. Most of the time though, you will find my windows open or my door as I am watching & listening to the wonder of God. Spring Rains awake the senses, freshens the air & life is renewed. But I think that my most favorite reason for loving Spring Rains are the beautiful rainbows & the reminders of Gods presence and of His promises.

Mommy's Love Bug

I kreated this LO for a sketch contest. It's the first time I have ever tried anything like it. I have never used Photoshop and so my CS3 Guru son had to give me quite a hand in instructions. He got frustrated at my 51 yr old slow learning capacity. LOL But I got it and I thank him dearly.

My Flower Girls

This is a finished Challenge called "By The Number." We had to use 5 different papers, 3 different fonts and a piture in B/W Color and Sepia, 3 embelishments & a journaling block. This was such a perfect pose of the girls.

Friday, April 10, 2009


Boy, I'm old....I have had my 6 yr old granddaughter, Claire, for 4 days and 3 nights. I had forgotten how hard it is to keep up with a six yr old. We colored, made a cake, made some cards for her to give out on Mother's day. I'm exhausted.
I don't know how I did it with 3 kids, but not now. LOL I forgot that a girl talkes all the time and Claire will ask a million questions. No exageration on that one!!. She is going home Friday about 4pm. Then I am working at the Church on Saturday for a huge community Easter Fair. I cant believe we stuffed over 5,000 plastic eggs.
Sunday is Easter and then one days break and then on Tuesday I will be bringing, Haley, my 8yr old granddaughter. That ones going to be ever so much harder. I love her to death but she is just like her uncle Zack when he was that age...a 16yr old "know it all"in an eight yr old's body and they do believe they know EVERYTHING!!!!!!! LOL...
We'll its like 4:15am so I think I'll head to bed.
Night Y'all

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Comp Update

We meet with the attorney. Questions were answered which aliviated some concerns. And the attorney has taken on the case and is quite confident. Now I hope it doesn't battle for the comps 2yr timetable.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Jerry is meeting with his Comp Lawyer Monday at 4:30. Please be in prayer. He is being pulled around like he's the taffy in the taffy pull. It's aweful

Jessica is Due September 4th. And we are hoping to find out what she is having at her May appointment....Yipeeeeeeeee

Another Move

I can't believe we are going through another move. Thank the Lord it's not Jerry and I, but Jason, Beth and 4 of our lovely grandbabies. I was quite happy and extremely tired at the end of Friday. I got to hold and care for my newset grandaughter Abby. Not always the easiest job :)) especially when Mama is nursing. Poor Beth. I think she out ran and out worked the 3 men there. Not only was she packing, loading, and coraling 3 kids, but in between all of that there was a baby to feed. Anyway they finished up today for the most part. Jason just has a couple of things left to grab, but he's taking a rest on Monday. Can't blame him. I'll have to grab pics of the house it is so cute.

Sleep Study Udate

Results: I have what they call an episod 15x's an hour OHG At first I thought it was just 15 for the entire night, but the Doc set me straight, that means per hour. So they are coming out today to set me up with my CPAP machine....Lovely....I'll have to get a pic in here. The night I had the test I got tickled and thought about Luke Skywalker? Here's what I thought....LUUUUUKE I AM YOUR MOTHER......Isn't that just a hoot. You'll have to see the pic......

Sleep Study

One sleep study was bad enough with all of the hundreds of lead wires (not really, just felt like it.) Now on Wed. evening I have to go back and have a 2nd one done. UGH....... I think the worst part are the wires to the head. Not to bad if your a man with closely shaven head. LOL But for those of us with long hair, that thick-grainy gunk they attach the leads with is absolutely gross. But I hope to finally get the results on the 20th.

Sister's In Christ & Friends

This is my friend Jackie. I spent a wonderful day at her home. Filled with Laughter, Food and Blogging. Jackie was so great at showing me how to set up a blog. Now it's not completed yet and I am much slower at tring to find all the little gifs and etc. LOL But I'll get there. So thank you Jackie for all that you do and share.