Monday, July 27, 2009

Debi Up-date

I finally get to see a "Pain Managment Specialist" on July 31st. I am so looking forward to it. It has been 10yrs now with my RA and Fibro and I am finally in need of pain meds just for days I need to live a regular life where I can't rest if needed. You know, like a full Nana's day, or helping a friend set up for her daughter's Wedding Reception, etc.

Let's see, then I get to go in for my Early On-Set Dementia/Alzhimers testing in San Francisco on Aug, 13th. This will be a dig relief no matter what the results are. It's easier dealing with something when you know for sure what it is!!

And it's highly possible that I could be having a double masectomy with in a month or two. Not sad about that either. Will be relived to get it over so I can stop all the fretting.

Even with all things hitting my family I am at peace. God is in control.

Love Ya all.